Ecran TFT 3.5 pouces


  • Skip the wiring and start playing in 30 seconds
  • Slim and slick board design
  • Support Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega2560 and other development board Arduino DUE line, without any wiring.
  • Arduino libraries provide.
  • This board also supports STM32, C51 and other conventional MCU, provide development code.
  • Control IC: ILI9481
  • Interface: 8bit parallel
  • NO Touch screen
  • resolution 320×480

Prix : 10 euro sans stylet




As you can see the display is big, and it offers a resolution of 480x320 pixels. If I turn it around, you can see that it comes with presoldered pins for Arduino Uno, which is nice since there are not many big TFT displays that work with the Arduino Uno. At the back we can also see that there is an SD card slot available. But there is also one disadvantage. This display needs a lot of digital and analog pins in order to work. So, if we don’t use the SD card module of it, we are left with 6 digitals pins and one analog pin to use with other modules or sensors. If we are going to use the SD card module of the display, we are left with only 2 digital pins and one analog pin which is of course very limiting. But, we can always use the Arduino Mega board which offers many more digital pins to work with. The display uses the ILI9481 driver and it works fine with the Adafruit libraries. I have loaded a demo sketch that is included in the library and as you can see the display is working as expected. It is not the fastest display I have tried, but for its size and resolution it is a very nice display. Check this out, I have loaded another demo that is included, and it loads images from the SD card and displays them on the display! Great isn’t it? The old and slow Arduino Uno which has only 2KBs of RAM memory is capable of driving and displaying images on a big color TFT display!

In order to speed things up, I thought I could use the display with the fast Arduino Due board, but unfortunately, it does not work with it.

It works fine with the Arduino Mega but it does not work with the WeMOS D1 board since it only has one analog pin and the display requires five.

Let’s now see the software side of the project. First of all we have to download the appropriate driver for the display. You can find the driver files on the product page on All we have to do is to install the library and load any of the examples that are designed for this shield. Since the display uses our familiar Adafruit libraries, we can easily build impressive projects. I have developed a simple program just to demonstrate how easy it is to use the display thanks to Adafruit libraries! It uses some of the basic functions in order to display text and simple graphics. You can find the code of this simple example in a link in the description of the video.